Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Winner of Wristlet Give Away!!!

Okay so what a great response to this give away! I am just gonna have to have another...right??LOL!

I used a number generator to get the number of the following winner.

Alright, is everyone ready??? drumroll please..............................................................


here is the winning post:

NMLady said...
That is precious, and practical. I can see using it at dressy dinners aboard ship, at casino roulette table in the evening when I don't want to have a purse in the crush of the crowd.

Congratulations! Please send me your snail mail addy noelmika(at)nb(dot)sympatico(dot)ca. And please don't forget to check out my No No's Creations Store. For being the winner you have the opportunity to purchase anything from my store and your shipping will be absolutely FREE!! (must be sent with wristlet)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

One More Day For the Draw!

Wow, I was not expecting such a great response to my give away! Thank you so much to those who have entered so far. I have been reading all the comments and I appreciate all of your wonderful praises!

There is still another day to enter for those who have not. So tell your friends to come on over and enter to win!

Have a super day!