Monday, January 16, 2006

Ribbon Box Pizzaz

I saw an article in Creating Keepsakes Mag about how to make a ribbon box to keep all your ribbons in...I thought WOW what a great idea. I can't stand have ribbon strewn about every where in my craft room. It is available when I need it. In order to be truly creative you have to be clutter free UHHH Did I Say that????? (Nicole I know you are proud at this moment) Anywho, I thought how could I make this my own...Hummm, well Donna D. loves Hodge Podge...Well, guess what people....Podge is my new Fav friend... You can use that patterned paper you may not use on a layout or you can use your most favorite patterned paper that inspires you. So...I decide to use different patterns "color coordinating of course" and podged them onto a photo box. I used my new favorite Drill (to which Donna refers to as some sort of male genitalia) (he he) to drill the holes for the eyelets along the sides. I also got to use my husband tools.. So cool.. So now I have an excuse to buy "MORE" ribbon (Like I need an excuse to buy scrappin supplies....HA).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you say "organizes" He He so proud I am...I love mine for sure.

Now You need to teach me the podge.
Luv NL