Saturday, January 21, 2006

My First Goal!!

Hip Hip Horray!!! I did it my first 5 lb Gold Star...I lost 2.4 this week for a total of 5 lbs in two weeks. It has been so simple, just keep a good meal journal and count points. I haven't been hungry at all. But I have to say that by the end of a week I get anxious..I just want to get the weigh in over with. This morning I was so nervous going into WW...ugggg. I have a great WW partner, we keep each other go Rach... anywho, 2 weeks done 5 lbs gone. Going to the grocery store to lug around a 5 lb bag of potatoes to really get my head around what I have lost....Weight be gone!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so proud of you and mom!

Luv NL